Build & Burn STEM Education
Introducing "Build & Burn," a unique STEM education initiative created specifically for 5-7-year-olds interested in exploring the fascinating world of computer coding using LEGO Robotics. Designed for hands-on, minds-on learning experiences, this cutting-edge curriculum combines imaginative play with structured lessons to teach foundational programming concepts in an intuitive and immersive environment.
At "Build & Burn," we believe in nurturing curiosity, promoting creativity, and inspiring a lifelong passion for technological innovation in our younger generation. Our mission is to provide an inclusive, safe space where students feel confident expressing themselves and tackling real-world challenges utilizing fundamental coding principles like loops, conditions, sequences, functions, and debugging techniques. By leveraging industry-standard tools and hardware alongside a project-based methodology, participants develop vital critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and problem-solving competencies crucial for long-term academic growth.
Guided by experienced educators trained in pedagogy, youth development, and educational robotics, young engineers work together to imagine original designs, build autonomous robots from scratch, test hypotheses, troubleshoot obstacles, document processes, showcase prototypes, and present discoveries to peers or families. Along the way, kids learn how to articulate ideas, justify choices, accept constructive criticism, brainstorm improvements, iterate solutions, and reflect upon their journey. As mentors gradually release responsibility, students become increasingly independent thinkers capable of solving complex problems independently.

5/5 Rating
Course Comments (03)
Alexey Bokov
Camp is just great - learning content and tool/legos/ipads is perfectly setup for helping kids to have fun and learn a lot in small groups working together under building city from lego or other projects. Camp staff is very helpful and friendly. I can mention only one problem which I had every day - how to get my 7 yo son back home from this camp. Highly recommended, one of the best STEM camps in South Bay.
Tess Tran
My 5 year old had a great time at FutureBytes, and learned a lot about robotics and design! This was his first time doing a summer camp, and he really struggled with separation anxiety during drop off. The staff was so caring and understanding and did a great job helping him calm down, make friends, and have fun! Ms. Jyoti in particular went out of her way to help him feel safe and welcome; she's very nurturing and kind. Highly recommend if your kid loves Legos!
karishma kharat
My son Niaan who is 5 had a lot of fun and was fully engaged. He learned new things with LEGO building.. I definitely recommend it if your child likes LEGO machines.