Welcome to Futurebytes

Join Our Team


Futurebytes welcomes exceptional leaders with diverse skills and passions. If you love working with kids, join our team. We have roles for educators at every career stage - from aspiring teachers to seasoned pros.

Subject matter experts, college students, and recent grads - we need your talents.Bring your unique skills and interests and find the perfect position for you. Peruse our openings below and picture yourself guiding young minds this summer.

Camp director

The key responsibilities are providing strong leadership, ensuring smooth day-to-day operations, building a positive camp culture, and ensuring a safe, fun, and enriching camp environment. Build relationships with campers and parents.

Summer Intern

Gain hands-on experience with our dynamic summer programs. As a camp intern, you'll support the operations and activities that make our camps engaging and meaningful for kids.

Summer Instructor

Lead students in collaborative STEAM projects, teaching and cultivating creative problem-solving and design thinking with our unique hands-on curriculum. Bring our project-based STEAM curriculum to life as you guide students through immersive hands-on learning experiences each week.

After-school Instructor

Engage elementary school students daily with fun, hands-on STEM education during hour-long afterschool enrichment programs all year long. Guide small groups of students as they explore STEM concepts through active learning experiences including building robots, coding interactive games, and tackling design challenges. Provide stimulating STEM instruction and experiences consistently throughout the year to spark curiosity and skills.

Substitute Instructors

Make an impact this summer while enjoying flexibility. As a substitute instructor, you'll help fill urgent staffing needs, allowing you to design your own schedule week-to-week. Jump into our innovative camp programming to share your passions and talents with campers through engaging instruction and activities.

Our Process:

1. Send your resume to [email protected].

2. Interview

3. offer

4. Onboarding